So you have just finished a CS degree, bootcamp or are just not super engaged at your current role. Time for a new job! But how do you go about being...
Computers are fast. Like, really fast! So why do we see so many loading spinners on the web and have to wait so long for things to load? Because...
This article continues on from where Simple caching with local storage left off. Check that out for context on how local storage can be used as a...
Project repo This is our last week building a SaaS project with Next.js, Auth0, Vercel and Stripe. We have covered a lot so far! This week we will...
Project repo This week is all about taking payments with Stripe. We will implement a serverless function to charge a card and implement webhooks to...
Project repo This week we look at using Auth0's social signon to authenticate with GitHub. We also setup webhooks to create a local user in our Prisma...